Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dealing with flakes

I do things for people because I want to not because I have to.  For my 2018 calendar I started early negotiating with models that I wanted on the calendar.  Most of them were open to being part of the project.  Many were pageant girls whom I provided images pro bono to thank them for willing to be part of the project.  The 13 girls in the collage below are part of the 2018 calendar.  Others whom I had hoped would be part of it either went MIA (did not bother to return messages) or said they were too busy.  As a courtesy, if  you're too busy for one reason or another, just say so, don't ignore my messages.  I also ask one thing - please don't lie to me.  Two models who had indicated that they wanted to be part of the project gave me reasons that seemed valid at that time - one was concerned of how it would look if she appeared in a bikini calendar as she was looking to her future in medicine.  The other said she would be too busy because she was applying to med school.  Ok - until the med school application girl posted photos on her instagram of her frolicking in the ocean with her bikini taken AFTER she told me she was too busy.  She lied.  The med student is now engaged so in both cases, I concluded that the boyfriend/fiance didn't want them to participate so they made up their excuses.  If your boyfriend doesn't want you to do the shoot, JUST TELL ME.  Please don't lie.

Why do I say this here?  I need to vent someplace.  The result of what transpired this year will be that I won't be providing pro bono images unless there is a good reason (like one has committed for 2019's calendar)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Here we go - an updated blog where I can bitch and moan

Welcome to the new blog for Samurai Imaging.  I decided to do a new blog since my log in for my original blog has disappeared.  At least this one is connected to my primary Google account.